The Power of Interactive Video

Imagine that you have come across a great video that has piqued your interest on a website, Facebook page, YouTube or Vimeo channel, Instagram account, or Twitter feed, but in order to take the next step to connect or purchase, you need to click the link in their bio.

Ok, so now you’re interested in learning more or clicking the buy button, but then you ask yourself, “Do I click the link in the bio now, or do I finish the video?”

What tends to happen next is you leave the page to click the link and never go back to the video, or you finish the video and never click the link. Either way, it’s not the optimal outcome for the entrepreneur who created the video content because we want you to buy and stay. We want to have our cake and eat it, too!

In this example, we see the problem: the more steps people have to take in order to get what they want, the less likely they will want to do it – and, even after they do it, they may not come back to your page.  Finding innovative ways to keep people engaged and eliminate the navigation step that takes the customer away from your page or video content is important because you don’t want to lose engaged audience members or lose paying customers. 

The key to accomplishing more engagement is interactive video. So, let’s go catch the interactive video marketing wave together. Drop a comment below to let me know your go-to method to improve engagement with your customers. 

I hope this blog post was helpful. If you’re a busy entrepreneur and content creator who is not the least bit techie, please don’t let your videos be BASIC. Connect with me for a 15 min strategy session on how to explore turning your content into POWERFUL interactive videos that will grow your audience and help you attract more paying customers. You can also purchase my book, “The Videopreneur Manual: 7 Steps to Level up Your Videos” for more insightful tips and tricks to level up your video content marketing. 

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