Innovation in Video Marketing

One of the most difficult problems facing video content creators and entrepreneurs is finding innovative ways to keep people engaged and eliminate the navigation step that takes the customer away from the page.  This is important because you want to hold the attention of engaged audience members and paying customers. The key solution to this problem is innovation in interactive video. 

Traditionally in the past, two of the main ways we enhanced interaction after delivery of our video content was by 1) placing external links in the bio or post and 2) offering verbal or written calls to action.  Now there is a game changer – a technology that allows you to embed links within your video! This innovative approach allows people to go to your site or landing page without navigating away from your video! 

The advantage of this process is that people will still spend more time within your video or on your page while choosing to click on a link to connect with you or make a purchase.  This prolonged interaction helps improve your click through rate, increase overall traffic to your site, and ultimately will boost your search engine optimization. That is why interactive video content is so powerful.  

  • If you want to adopt techniques to make your video content more engaging with your clients or customers, interactive video is the answer. 
  • If you want to provide simple and easy access points for them to connect with you or purchase within your video, interactive video is the answer.  
  • If you want to find innovative ways to boost your bottom line, interactive video is the answer.  

You will quickly find that improving the ease of engagement will improve the customer experience and make it more likely that someone will make a purchase. So, let’s go catch the interactive video marketing wave together and drop a comment below to let me know your go-to method to improve engagement with your customers. 

I hope this blog post was helpful. If you’re a busy entrepreneur and content creator who is not the least bit techie, please don’t let your videos be BASIC. Connect with me for a 15 min strategy session on how to explore turning your content into POWERFUL interactive videos that will grow your audience and help you attract more paying customers. You can also purchase my book, “The Videopreneur Manual: 7 Steps to Level up Your Videos” for more insightful tips and tricks to level up your video content marketing.  

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