iVideo – A Call to Action Blog

Innovation in Video Marketing

One of the most difficult problems facing video content creators and entrepreneurs is finding innovative ways to keep people engaged and eliminate the navigation step that takes the customer away from the page.  This is important because you want to hold the attention of engaged audience members and paying customers. The key solution to this

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5 Great Tips to Getting More Engagement from Your Videos

When it comes to promoting your videos on social media, vanity metrics like having a high number of friends, followers, or subscribers is valuable but are not the more most important things to set your sights on to grow your page. When you compare a person who has 10,000 followers with 100 engagements to a

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The Power of Interactive Video

Imagine that you have come across a great video that has piqued your interest on a website, Facebook page, YouTube or Vimeo channel, Instagram account, or Twitter feed, but in order to take the next step to connect or purchase, you need to click the link in their bio. Ok, so now you’re interested in

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